The Gift of Transformation
It's the beginning of another year. A time when we look back at the past and say "oh well" or keep the regrets front and center of our thoughts. I prefer the first over the latter -- it's much easier actually. It's also a time when we look forward with either anticipation of the opportunities ready before us, or we think that the days and year ahead may be the same ol', same ol'. Different date, same issues.
I'm thinking of how I can change. Change can be so uncertain. It can bring about heart palpitations just thinking of the anxiety associated with evolving into something unknown. When embraced, there is the possibility for improvement and transformation as well. Changing something in the immediate time frame can be empowering! See a vision come to pass can inspire you to keep going toward longer-term goals.
My environment is a huge part of how I feel. The inside of my home being clean and tidy makes me feel prepared to welcome the unexpected guest at the door while giving me and my family a place of comfort and belonging. The scent of some delectable dish coming out of the oven or fresh from the stovetop makes me feel accomplished that I'm well-able to provide for my family. Seeing color all around me makes me feel joyous inside. One of the greatest surprises for me in my current home was seeing the afternoon sun shining through a window and onto a light fixture that has a prism attached to the bottom. The prism reflect tens of small rainbows all over my ceiling. When this happens, moreso in the spring and summer, this fascinating experience just adds to my personal happiness. Rainbows are at the top of my all-time favorites list -- they almost make me giddy! Color, whether in painted rooms or in spots where there is art hung on the walls or in pops here and there in accessories placed carefully to maximize its affect, really adds to my sense of well-being.
We have an under-utilized bedroom that I'm very anxious to turn into my creative space. I've pinned all kinds of ideas. Already placed in that room is a wood vanity that I've had since I was a child. To change its use would be not only beneficial in accomplishing my goal of carving out a place for my writing area, but it would give me great joy knowing there was a current use for a piece that's been with me for so long. Change presents a chance for transformation, in this case, for the vanity and the bedroom. Even though that creative room is still in progress, I can't tell you how excited it makes me feel to imagine myself sitting at my newly transformed desk, writing or pinning ideas or planning my next adventure.
That room isn't alone in needing a metamorphosis. I plan on changing, too, along with that room. The thought of 'getting' to change is exciting. The idea that the change can happen to me is thrilling. Seeing my vision come to fruition -- well, that's the pinnacle for me. In that room, I can write, read, get inspired, reflect, and come out better than what I went in.
Are you wanting to make a change in your own life? It can be overwhelming if you try to accomplish too much at once. Taking steps toward a goal does not only give you a feeling of accomplishment but of self-confidence. Just one step at a time gets you closer than what you were moments before you took that leap of faith. Make a mental or physical list of some changes you would like to see take place in the next week and month and year. Then pick one that is most-attainable to you now and outline how you'll go from right at this moment to seeing that goal to completion.
It's all a journey and the road you are traveling will have it's ups and downs. Give yourself permission to change, allow yourself to have some hiccups along the way, keep focused on the goal, and take on the challenge. You are fully capable! Believe in yourself! Believe others will want that for you, too, and see how they will join in support of your transformation. At the end, you and I will look back at this and see how far we have come...and remind ourselves we are BEYOND BLESSED!