How Well Do You Know Yourself?
You're blessed when you stay on course, walking steadily on the road revealed by God. You're blesssed when you follow his directions.
Psalm 119:1-2 (The Message)
There are so many self-help books, blogs, articles, internet sites, not to mention all the people in our lives, that all try to guide us this way and that. Have you looked into any of these sources? Chances are you probably have; so have I. Have you found any of them truly helpful in your search into your inner-self? If you are like me, you may have found nuggets here and there, but maybe nothing that really helps you make a fundamental change.
Have you experienced any shifts in yourself, let's say, since your childhood or high school days? Surely you have evolved, transformed, even morphed into someone different today than "back then". I know I have. I have learned alot about life. Have there been experiences you were reticent to try? Or has it been an easy transition for change? Experiences have help switch my perception of the world around me. Involvement in new endeavors has opened up a window into parts of life, and parts of me, I didn't know existed. Time gives us the gift of maturity and a new frame of reference.
Let's be honest -- change is hard sometimes though. It can push us out of our comfort zone. For me, I tend to resist shifts in ways that are in contrast to what I've become accustomed to. Seemingly, the harder I resist, the more persistant the change pursues me.
Recently, I've had to take a good look at myself and ask "who am I?". As I have evolved over the years, I can safely say that there are replacements to some old "comfort zone" ideas I've had. This current version of myself has grown, resisted, regressed, been altered, renewed, and cultivated. And I'm not done.
We each are unique in our characteristics, nature, personality, temperament, genetics, and constitution. To me, one of the most important tid-bits I find to be helpful is to be true to myself. What does that mean exactly? It means to know myself, my limits, my views, my abilities, my boundaries, my likes and dislikes, and keep to what I know in my heart is the real me. Being authentically me is the best gift I can give to others. We each are made so specifically. If we hide under the rock of not being like others, then our own light can't shine.
Take a few moments today to ask yourself questions that reveal your own truth. What do I stand for? What actions give me the most integrity? What is so unique about me that others can't replicate it or use it in the way that I can? How have I evolved into a better understanding of my beliefs -- which convictions speak to my character?
When we embrace the person we are today, we can find ways to be happier. Feel proud that you have reconstructed yourself over the years into an improved version of yourself. And continue to keep yourself open to change. Begin to really know yourself, starting today, and let others enjoy you for who you are. When that happens, you will see that you are BEYOND BLESSED!
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